Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 2: Taking it easy

Such a lazy day!

I had the day off, so I decided to sleep in a bit, which was working out really well until I suddenly got a bloody nose and it became a "Bloody nose wake up" - jumping up and running to the bathroom! I guess it's just dry here? Anyway, not so much fun.

The ice covered Hudson Bay!

The rest of the day was pretty lazy - got some reading in, signed some papers to work up here, took a quick trip into town for hardware supplies. Did some more lounging around and podcast proposal preperation, read some more in the sauna called the observation dome, took a nap (unintentionally) before dinner, helped move chairs into the new building, will hopefully get to do some yoga tonight and then go to sleep! The real work starts tomorrow!

Locals (I need to get better at the hip shots.)

Also, I'm Kaleigh with a K not a C. Just for clarification. And definitely not Kaleigh #2! For a name I thought was rare, I always encounter other Kaleighs!

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